Friday 6 November 2015

Defining Yourself

As one of the students i was invited by Unisa and Universum to complete 2 surveys just after I finished writing my exams. The surveys were different and included tests that determine what kind of a person one is or the kind of careers one would be best suited for. I was characterised as a Harmonizer and a Leader defined as follows.

HARMONIZERS are responsible and loyal individuals who are happy to take on responsibilities for the good of the team. Their friendliness and comfort around others makes them natural leaders, and their desire for harmony makes them excellent in team-oriented settings. They are also very successful when taking internships, as they find it easy to get along with whomever they are working for. Their driver is happiness. They would like to have a stable job where they are among nice colleagues. Article extracted from Universum,

LEADERS are able to see the big picture in any situation, which helps them inspire both their teams and themselves. They prefer the numerous benefits of working with others in a team environment, rather than being a "lone-wolf". Leaders aren’t afraid of being responsible for situations. They see responsibility as something to be desired and sought after. Because they understand that, their success or failure is ultimately in their own hands. Leaders are also quite introspective; they can look inward and assess themselves honestly and, when necessary, harshly. Before starting their careers, leaders are often involved in various types of organizations, and are often responsible for the founding and growth of projects. Article extracted from Universum,

I believe in the above mentioned characters because they do describe me in many ways, the reason to live is to fulfill our purpose and to do that without doubt or fear. We are born winners!! all it takes is hard work. 

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear" Nelson Mandela

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