Wednesday 7 December 2016

Peace brings Unity

In the begging everything seems easy and just, the nature of living is the greatest show of them all. When I started school I used to think life was as easy as riding a bicycle and that we have control over every little thing that happens, until I grew up and learned that life is a matter of choice and struggle. We are never well prepared for what life throws at us and never matured enough to figure out perfect solutions, hence it is said that life is unpredictable. People often take themselves too serious or special and always forget that we are all humans, they forget that we all have emotions and that we all feel pain. The matter of the fact is that life is of the unknown and it requires strength, patience, wisdom and understanding. 

I like to believe that if we took time and tried to understand life better, we would learn to communicate well, love and support one another and most importantly acknowledge each others weaknesses as much as we possibly can which will help us live as one. The trick lies in seeing the other as a human being and not as a certain race, unity is the creation of mankind which we all are. The trick lies in accepting and acknowledging that we are different only in colour and uniqueness, that we are all born from a womb and that we all live beneath the stars, the sun and the moon. 

History belongs in the past, life belongs in the present, success and opportunity belongs in the future. Scars do heal even if they remain visible, all that there is to them is a reflection with no pain at all, so we can have scars all we like! they will not disappear but if we choose to embrace them we can live on and allow room for progress in our lives. Let us live with peace and memorabilia of what our fallen heroes like Madiba fought for, "Peace, stability and Unity".

 Change is needed and it needs not to be feared! 

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