Monday 7 December 2015

The Power Of Patience in your Life

Patience is one of the most valuable virtues of life. The power of patience helps you empower your life leading to wisdom and success. Success breeds happiness and happiness is the product of hard work and patience. To cultivate patience is to gain the refined sense of confidence, so that you may have remedy for every trouble, solution to the problems and courage for sorrows of life. Patience is not just a trait, but it’s a skill that needs to be developed. Thus, developing a good deal of patience is leading a satisfying life.

Patience must be made as one of the pillars of life, as a good amount of patience is the highway to successful and peaceful life. If you show patience, you can gain new skills and improve your talents. Thus, you can direct yourself towards the achievement of your goals and objectives. Patience helps you control over your impulsive decisions while it aids you greatly to deal with stressful situations and emotional ups and downs effectively. Patience also helps you become tolerant allowing you to keep empathy at others. The more you are patient, the more you are tolerant of others which earns you respect from them.

It must be borne in mind that there is no shortcut to success, but success is achieved through discipline, hard work and patience. Obstacles come your way and you will have to face challenges. You need to face fears and failures by virtue of self-confidence and patience. All that needs to be done is to stay motivated against all odds. There are lots of examples of great scientists, entrepreneurs and business people in whose lives patience has played a large role. They did not let the circumstances break them at all, but kept moving forward being focused on what they wanted to achieve while expanding new possibilities. It’s their power of patience, virtue of tolerance towards environmental conditions and open mindedness that has enabled them to be successful. At this point, the words of Napoleon Hill are worth mentioning, “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”

The power of patience is one of the major components of success. If you develop patience, It brings rich rewards, such as, personal growth, increasing the ability to gain more insights and understanding, it builds a strong character leading you to a peaceful life. Thus, we should continuously remind ourselves this saying, “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Friday 6 November 2015

Defining Yourself

As one of the students i was invited by Unisa and Universum to complete 2 surveys just after I finished writing my exams. The surveys were different and included tests that determine what kind of a person one is or the kind of careers one would be best suited for. I was characterised as a Harmonizer and a Leader defined as follows.

HARMONIZERS are responsible and loyal individuals who are happy to take on responsibilities for the good of the team. Their friendliness and comfort around others makes them natural leaders, and their desire for harmony makes them excellent in team-oriented settings. They are also very successful when taking internships, as they find it easy to get along with whomever they are working for. Their driver is happiness. They would like to have a stable job where they are among nice colleagues. Article extracted from Universum,

LEADERS are able to see the big picture in any situation, which helps them inspire both their teams and themselves. They prefer the numerous benefits of working with others in a team environment, rather than being a "lone-wolf". Leaders aren’t afraid of being responsible for situations. They see responsibility as something to be desired and sought after. Because they understand that, their success or failure is ultimately in their own hands. Leaders are also quite introspective; they can look inward and assess themselves honestly and, when necessary, harshly. Before starting their careers, leaders are often involved in various types of organizations, and are often responsible for the founding and growth of projects. Article extracted from Universum,

I believe in the above mentioned characters because they do describe me in many ways, the reason to live is to fulfill our purpose and to do that without doubt or fear. We are born winners!! all it takes is hard work. 

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear" Nelson Mandela

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Thoughts and Reality

The thin line between life and living, is expressed in who we are and in the moment of experiences we encounter. We are solemnly responsible for a lot of things, particularly for living a meaningful life filled with action and a chance to redeem ourselves. In every situation there is always that inner voice which will mirror the results or consequences of the action you about to take, something close to what is called anticipation. What is a better way to deal with this? It is also closely relative to what is called anxiety, how does one handle it? Answers to these questions shall be available on the posts to follow.

It scares to think of life as something unpredictable but it sure is interesting to live up to the challenge of discovering what is next. The fun lies in the mystery although some mysteries are never discovered, so what would life with a Manual/Instructions be like? It sounds like a great idea, i do not think so. I cannot begin to imagine the grief, so no matter how your life is built/structured be thankful because God is love and mercifull.

 Think of yesterday, imagine if yesterday was never going to end, how would that make you feel? Then think of today, imagine if today was never going to end, would you be able to live with today forever? Lastly think of tomorrow, what am I saying? Thinking of tomorrow would only be a thought full of possibilities of what could happen, rather than something you could do different now no matter how small it is, this is called change. Moral comes from a quote that says "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", so dreams do come true no matter how long it takes to achieve them. 

Thoughts become things.

Friday 2 October 2015

Still Hung Up on You

You left me without reason, it could have been because of fear it sure wasnt because you stopped loving me. Like the day we met, your smile arose the greatest joy and happiness in me, this proved to be mutual feelings beyond recognition. The things that we did for one another was all in the cause of Love, the same love we have given up on. I am aware now that I can only be responsible for how I feel, mine to you can only count as influence because the decision always lies with you.

Distance could have been the enemy between us but the say "Love Conquers All" still prevails, or maybe it does in the heart of those who believe that love is patient, kind and everlasting. With you my wishes never changed, I still see you as the brightest light to a beautiful future, yes I know I wont be part of it but your success is more valuable.

Case in point could be that you never understood the words you said or you could have said them under circumstances of a happiest heart and the feeling of being loved. This does not make you dishonest and I draw no measure to how much I meant to you, truth is you know better.  Funny is that you were my bolt of  inspiration, your opinion was the most important and your voice was the sweetest sound that pushed me to be more lively.

Catherine you are the most beautiful and powerful being, you hold the most amazing gift and one is engraved in your attitude towards human life. You are by far the most respectful and peaceful I have met so far, your inner beauty makes unstoppable waves and strikes through like thunder.

 I Bless the Day I found You

Friday 25 September 2015

The Power Of Words & Prayer

Here I was feeling all drained,bloated and tired,hopeless and having no drive to continue living. All this was after I was involved in a Mini Vehicle Accident this past Sunday. I remember this like it was yesterday,although everything happened so fast. In a blink of an eye I was bleeding and the first thing that came to my thoughts when I opened my eyes was to thank God for sparing my life.

It was at this moment when I realised that life has no guarantees and that we don't know for sure what might happen next,it is like walking in total darkness with no knowledge of where you are walking to or what to expect in front. This also reiterated the fact that we need to value each second of life and make the best of it by all means. It was just few days when I read an article on The Six Core Questions You Must Answer to Achieve Clarity in Your Workplace by Steve Marshall on Linked-in. In this article you find questions like:

  1. Why do we exist? (Our purpose to live)
  2. How do we behave? (What are your values and how do you live them out?)
  3. What do we do? (What do I do?)
  4. How do we succeed? (How do I succeed?)
If we come to think of who we are in a deeper sense,we would realise that we are powerful beyond measure and that we can do anything through Jesus Christ who strengthens us. This is reason enough to be great and to live life without limits,life without fear and life that knows peace. What we are and who we are is the most incredible nature of all times and it lies within us to live purposeful lives.

I am most thankful to my friends and family who were supportive and non-judge mental,life is not always about who has power over who or who is more important than the other. We can not live life trying to prove our importance in others life but we can rather live life trying to prove that we are all human and that we need to live like one. Thank you to all who took time to read this piece, Stay Blessed.

Glory Be To The Lord Our Almighty.